[oe] Reconsidering the work flow and how the SCM system fits in

John Lee john_lee at openmoko.com
Tue Mar 11 12:47:38 UTC 2008

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:38:07AM +0100, Koen Kooi wrote:
> The q&d way:
> * create a local diff by editing or adding a file
> * commit -b org.openmoko.needmorebru
> * checkout the branch into a new dir: mtn co -b org.openmoko.needmorebru
> * go wild in that branch
> * track .dev: mtn propagate org.openembedded.dev org.openmoko.needmorebru

That's what I'm considering to do now.  But I have the following problem:

> and once the stuff reached a good QA point:
> mtn propagate org.openmoko.needmorebru org.openembedded.dev

Most of the time I cannot do that.  There are stuffs not appropriate
for OE.dev in OM, and I suspect there will always be.  However, I have
to push my fixes upstream.  If I didn't do that and someone else did,
it's unnecessary effort plus I will need to manually merge it next
time I sync.

So, I can only pluck.  However, next time when I propagate from OE.dev
to OM, very likely I will get conflicts.

What we're trying to do is having a branch with local changes but
always following the master branch OE.dev.  I think mtn is not very
satisfying in this situation.


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