[oe] Writing a test program for libserial

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at mac.com
Sun Jun 21 04:37:40 UTC 2009

	Here is what my test program recipe looks like.

I have the following files In the user.collection/recipes/libserial- 
test folder:


I get some compilation failures related to iostream not being  
included. How can I fix this?

ERROR: log data follows (/tool/overo-oe/tmp/work/armv7a-angstrom-linux- 
| /tmp/ccisTInQ.o: In function  
| /tool/overo-oe/tmp/staging/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi//usr/ 
include/c++/iostream:77: undefined reference to  
| /tool/overo-oe/tmp/staging/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi//usr/ 
include/c++/iostream:77: undefined reference to  

The read_port and write_port.cpp files require the following headers

#include <SerialStream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

I have included a copy of my files below, if someone could help teach  
me how to write this recipe, it would be great!

I checked the OE HelloWorld tutorial already, but it didn't cover how  
to fix these issues.

Best regards,



DESCRIPTION = "Serial port test programs for libserial"
SECTION = "bin"
DEPENDS = "libserial"

#LDFLAGS_append += "-llibserial"
#CFLAGS += "-I. -include -L${STAGING_LIBDIR}"

SRC_URI = "file://*"

S = "${WORKDIR}"

inherit autotools_stage

do_stage() {

do_compile () {
    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${WORKDIR}/read_port.cpp -o libserial- 
    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${WORKDIR}/write_port.cpp -o libserial- 

do_install () {
    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir}
    install -m 0644 ${S}/libserial-test-read-port ${D}${bindir}
    install -m 0644 ${S}/libserial-test-write-port ${D}${bindir}

FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/libserial-test-read-port"
FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/libserial-test-write-port"


#include <SerialStream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>

main( int    argc,
       char** argv  )
     // Open the serial port.
     using namespace LibSerial ;
     SerialStream serial_port ;
     serial_port.Open( "/dev/ttyUSB0" ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "[" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "] "
                   << "Error: Could not open serial port."
                   << std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Set the baud rate of the serial port.
     serial_port.SetBaudRate( SerialStreamBuf::BAUD_115200 ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not set the baud rate." <<  
std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Set the number of data bits.
     serial_port.SetCharSize( SerialStreamBuf::CHAR_SIZE_8 ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not set the character size." <<  
std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Disable parity.
     serial_port.SetParity( SerialStreamBuf::PARITY_NONE ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not disable the parity." <<  
std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Set the number of stop bits.
     serial_port.SetNumOfStopBits( 1 ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not set the number of stop bits."
                   << std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Turn off hardware flow control.
     serial_port.SetFlowControl( SerialStreamBuf::FLOW_CONTROL_NONE ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not use hardware flow control."
                   << std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Do not skip whitespace characters while reading from the
     // serial port.
     // serial_port.unsetf( std::ios_base::skipws ) ;
     // Wait for some data to be available at the serial port.
     while( serial_port.rdbuf()->in_avail() == 0 )
         usleep(100) ;
     // Keep reading data from serial port and print it to the screen.
     while( serial_port.rdbuf()->in_avail() > 0  )
         char next_byte;
         std::cerr << std::hex << static_cast<int>(next_byte) << " ";
         usleep(100) ;
     std::cerr << std::endl ;
     return EXIT_SUCCESS ;


#include <SerialStream.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

// This example reads the contents of a file and writes the entire
// file to the serial port one character at a time.
main( int    argc,
       char** argv  )
     if ( argc < 2 )
         std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>" <<  
std::endl ;
         return 1 ;
     // Open the serial port.
     const char* const SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE = "/dev/ttyUSB0" ;
     using namespace LibSerial ;
     SerialStream serial_port ;
     serial_port.Open( SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not open serial port "
                   << SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE
                   << std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Set the baud rate of the serial port.
     serial_port.SetBaudRate( SerialStreamBuf::BAUD_115200 ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not set the baud rate." <<  
std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Set the number of data bits.
     serial_port.SetCharSize( SerialStreamBuf::CHAR_SIZE_8 ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not set the character size." <<  
std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Disable parity.
     serial_port.SetParity( SerialStreamBuf::PARITY_NONE ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not disable the parity." <<  
std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Set the number of stop bits.
     serial_port.SetNumOfStopBits( 1 ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not set the number of stop bits."
                   << std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Turn on hardware flow control.
     serial_port.SetFlowControl( SerialStreamBuf::FLOW_CONTROL_NONE ) ;
     if ( ! serial_port.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not use hardware flow control."
                   << std::endl ;
         exit(1) ;
     // Do not skip whitespace characters while reading from the
     // serial port.
     // serial_port.unsetf( std::ios_base::skipws ) ;
     // Open the input file for reading.
     std::ifstream input_file( argv[1] ) ;
     if ( ! input_file.good() )
         std::cerr << "Error: Could not open file "
                   << argv[1] << " for reading." << std::endl ;
         return 1 ;
     // Read characters from the input file and dump them to the serial
     // port.
     std::cerr << "Dumping file to serial port." << std::endl ;
     while( input_file )
         char next_byte ;
         input_file.read( &next_byte, 1 ) ;
         serial_port.write( &next_byte, 1 ) ;
         // Print a '.' for every character read from the input file.
         std::cerr << "." ;
     std::cerr << std::endl ;
     std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl ;
     return EXIT_SUCCESS ;

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