[oe] problem with opie for qemuarm

sledge simaskonfa at gmail.com
Thu May 7 12:10:06 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I have bitbaked opie-image for qemuarm. Resized the resulted
opie-image.rootfs.ext2 partition, launched qemu with these parameters:

I have also tried extracting modules*.tgz into that ext2 rootfs. Same result:

It has configured and launched the init.d processes, stopping any
output after the bluetooth. Apparently opie did not start, nor any
other rc processes; hence no graphical interface nor command-line
login prompt

Where should I start with? I tried to mv etc/init.d/bluetooth
etc/init.d, but it still starts (thought it was a blocker). I suppose
it is because the modules are being loaded.



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