[oe] [patch] fix for building freetype-native on a symlinked build environment

Alexander Stohr Alexander.Stohr at gmx.de
Thu Sep 30 12:30:29 UTC 2010

in an environment where the "/home" partition had not enough space
for holding a complete open embedded project i created a symlink to
an adequate partition on a second drive for hosting the build environment.

this turned out to badly impact on misc build steps.
the most recent problem i found is the build step used for freetype.

in the seemingly hand written configure script there is
a directory names comparison where some extra actions
are needed in case the directory is not the base dir of freetype build.
in my setup the names were different for some reasons in the embedding tools
(not caring whats the exact origin). in fact both were the very same dir object.
this lead to execution of parts of the script that were not intended
so that this mis-detection finally stopped the build.

the attached patch fixes that problem by changing the comparisonn code so that it
uses the inode numbers of the relevant paths for the comparison.

the patch further applies a check for an already existing subdir.
this suppresses a message on the console in a benign case.

the patch applies to freetype-2.3.6 but should be quite easily portable
to any known later release including the relatively fresh 2.4.2 version.

regards, Alex.
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