[oe] OE TSC

Frans Meulenbroeks fransmeulenbroeks at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 08:54:39 UTC 2011

2011/2/1 Richard Purdie <rpurdie at rpsys.net>:
> On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 22:31 +0100, Bernhard Guillon wrote:
>> On 01.02.2011 21:08, Frans Meulenbroeks wrote:
>> > ... a team that
>> > is chosen by the community is much more empowered to make decisions.
>> >
>> +1
>> In my opinion it is very important in the current situation to have a vote.
> Just please keep in mind what this looks like to the outside world.
> So far various amounts of bad timing, unfortunate circumstances and the
> rules have meant that 2-4 months on we could appear to be going around
> in circles and unlikely to make a "real" decision soon (at least six
> weeks for a vote).
> Yocto talks to people commercially and 3-5 months to make some decisions
> (not implement, just make the decisions) would be commercial suicide to
> a business.
> I accept this takes as long as it takes and I'm not going to even
> attempt to rush anything but OE isn't doing its perception much good to
> be brutally honest.
> On the plus side I know there are positive moves afoot too so its not
> all doom and gloom but its worth keeping the above in mind.
> Cheers,
> Richard
Richard, I agree with you.
I feel we could have made more progress, but things take the time they need.

I am not against an interim TSC, but I would like to see some openness
of the board on how they feel they should move forward. Guess it'll be
after FOSDEM though (if I interpreted Graeme's message properly).
I can imagine we do not want to waste another 6 weeks or so on voting
for a new TSC, but I think it is desirable that the way forward is
clear for and backed by the community.

Best regards, Frans.

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