[oe] [OE-core] [oe-core] QEMU with ARM Cortex A9 with hard float configuration - Kernel panic

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 19:15:51 UTC 2013

HI Bruce,

On Aug 29, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfield at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a vexpress A15 that works here as well, but I wouldn't mind comparing
> configs. If you send it along, I'd have a look.

Does this mean you've got vexpress-a9 and vexpress-a15, but you've never intentionally
published or made these qemu configurations available, so that WindRiver has a commercial
advantage when it comes to machine emulation for these machine architectures?

I can't but help think of the discussions that we had over the meta-zynq layer, where
the meta-zynq layer was not maintained, and WindRiver never released any of the
updates to meta-zynq because of some "issues". 

At that time, you were pushing for linux-yocto and LTSI, and fast forward 1 year or more
and the meta-zynq layer is still not updated or maintained, and it's only recently that
Xilinx themselves added support to their meta-xilinx layer for linux-yocto.

I've also observed that you're the only one maintaining linux-yocto!!

So, what I'm trying to get at it, it doesn't really help any one in the open source
community if work that's useful for other is withheld for WindRiver gaining a commercial
advantage (meta-zynq & xilinx case in point) and (versatile-a9 and versatile-a15)
in point, especially when you're the sole maintainer for the linux-yocto kernel, which
happened to mentioned qemuarma9 machine support.

I mean either you don't publish anything that Wind River chooses to keep proprietary
or support the machine configurations defined in the linux-yocto meta branch.

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

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