[oe] [OE-core] [oe-core] QEMU with ARM Cortex A9 with hard float configuration - Kernel panic

Bruce Ashfield bruce.ashfield at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 19:24:02 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Elvis Dowson <elvis.dowson at gmail.com> wrote:
> HI Bruce,
> On Aug 29, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfield at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a vexpress A15 that works here as well, but I wouldn't mind comparing
>> configs. If you send it along, I'd have a look.
> Does this mean you've got vexpress-a9 and vexpress-a15, but you've never intentionally
> published or made these qemu configurations available, so that WindRiver has a commercial
> advantage when it comes to machine emulation for these machine architectures?

There's no commercial advantage to emulated machines. I've been using qemu since
it was bochs, and have booted and tried pretty much everything over
the years .. I
just like emulated platforms and machines.

The work that I did was hacks, that I had no interest in fully
supporting in Yocto. Everytime
we add a machine, there's a tax for every uprev cycle, and every
build. If you add it, you
can't let it bit rot.

I don't think I need to be accused of intentionally doing or not doing anything.

> I can't but help think of the discussions that we had over the meta-zynq layer, where
> the meta-zynq layer was not maintained, and WindRiver never released any of the
> updates to meta-zynq because of some "issues".
> At that time, you were pushing for linux-yocto and LTSI, and fast forward 1 year or more
> and the meta-zynq layer is still not updated or maintained, and it's only recently that
> Xilinx themselves added support to their meta-xilinx layer for linux-yocto.

You do realize that the entire reason that layer isn't updated, is that we
agreed with Xilinx and the other active contributors to merge all the
support into their layer, and kill off the old one. It simply took us a while to
get everyone up to speed and aligned.

> I've also observed that you're the only one maintaining linux-yocto!!

Clearly you aren't on the linux-yocto mailing list :)

> So, what I'm trying to get at it, it doesn't really help any one in the open source
> community if work that's useful for other is withheld for WindRiver gaining a commercial
> advantage (meta-zynq & xilinx case in point) and (versatile-a9 and versatile-a15)
> in point, especially when you're the sole maintainer for the linux-yocto kernel, which
> happened to mentioned qemuarma9 machine support.

Wind River works upstream first, we don't have any commercial support for any of
the emulations you are talking about. Simple because I say I've uses something,
doesn't mean that it is a commercial product.

I'd suggest toning down the conversation and accusations .. they
aren't productive
I'm just trying to help.

> I mean either you don't publish anything that Wind River chooses to keep proprietary
> or support the machine configurations defined in the linux-yocto meta branch.

I'm not following what you mean here  .. sorry.


> Best regards,
> Elvis Dowson

"Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await
thee at its end"

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