[oe] using deb as source while building image.

Mike Looijmans mike.looijmans at topic.nl
Tue Sep 17 05:40:54 UTC 2013

On 09/17/2013 07:00 AM, Lukas Bulwahn wrote:
> On 09/16/2013 02:32 PM, Anup Kini wrote:
>> I am trying to understand how deb packages can be used to build the
>> image.
>> Since, i need to install a few pre-built application.
>> let me know if you have any pointers on how to proceed with this.
> If you have the source code available, I believe it is much easier to
> write a proper recipe than to use a prebuilt binary, which you do not
> know the exact compiler flags, which libraries you need to dynamically
> link to, etc.
> However, maybe someone on the mailing list has already some experience
> trying to integrate prebuilt binaries into the images.

Yes, in some occasions going as far as writing a recipe for unpacking it 
and then re-pack it into an ipk (or whatever OE was set to do).

It's a recipe for disaster. Don't do it. Get source code, and if that 
isn't possible, find or write an alternative.


Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Mike Looijmans

TOPIC Embedded Systems
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