[oe] [meta-networking] crda-1.1.3 broken in dylan, dora, daisy and dizzy

Viguera, Javier Javier.Viguera at digi.com
Fri Jan 30 16:51:22 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Seems that CRDA maintainers did some changes that broke the fetch of the package for all those releases.

These are the URIs in the package recipe:


The correct ones are:


Notice that they not only changed the address but also now the regulatory binary is packed in a tarball.

So at this point there are two options here:

1. Rework the recipe with the new locations, checksums and adapting the 'do_install' to copy the regulatory binary from a different directory. This has to be done for all the releases in the subject.

2. Just put the 'crda-1.1.3.tar.bz2' and '2013.01.11-regulatory.bin' in the openembedded mirror and let all the old releases work without changes in the recipes.

My preference is number 2, along with an upgrade of the package to the new version 3.13 for the not-yet-released 'master' branch (there is currently a patch for that in the mailing list).


Javier Viguera
Software Engineer

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