[oe] [meta-browser] calling all chromium recipe users

Trevor Woerner twoerner at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 19:35:22 UTC 2017

When testing changes to the chromium[-wayland] recipes, it would be
great to know the layers, configurations, and MACHINEs with which
people are building.

For example I care about chromium running on X11 for minnow
(meta-intel) and raspberry pi (meta-raspberrypi). How are other people
running chromium?

Also, are you able to run with accelerated graphics? If so, what
configuration are you using?

Specifically, I assume the trick is the correct configuration of various


where X is one of {mesa|gl|egl|gles1|gles2} and Y is probably
something BSP-specific. Is anything else needed to get accelerated
graphics working with chromium?

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