[oe] [meta-java] rxtx fails to build because of upstream website dead

Romain Bazile romain.bazile at ubiant.com
Fri May 19 15:07:30 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,

The source website ( http://rxtx.qbang.org/pub/rxtx/rxtx-2.2pre2.zip ) 
for librxtx (in recipes-extended/rxtx/rxtx_2.2.0.bb ) is down. Again.

Due to the chronic instability of this website, would it make sense to 
include the source file directly into the meta-java layer as a zip file?

I don't know about best practices surrounding this, I kindly apologize 
if it's strictly forbidden! Otherwise, I'm happy to submit a PR 
including the file and the necessary changes to the recipes (in 
concerned branches).



Romain Bazile
Hardware R&D Engineer

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