[oe] [meta-java] rxtx fails to build because of upstream website dead

Romain Bazile romain.bazile at ubiant.com
Mon May 22 07:04:10 UTC 2017

The source package is about 1.5MB big, so that's not really heavy.

But I perfectly understand the rationale behind it, which was my fear.

I didn't know about the source mirror. This would make perfect sense, 
since this is the exact thing we in fact are looking for (having the 
sources in the layer is only a fix).

How does that work to get the source mirrored here?

I supposed there would need to be some changes to the recipe too?

Romain Bazile

Le 20/05/2017 à 17:21, Trevor Woerner a écrit :
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Romain Bazile
> <romain.bazile at ubiant.com> wrote:
>> Due to the chronic instability of this website, would it make sense to
>> include the source file directly into the meta-java layer as a zip file?
> My guess is the project would not be happy about a large zip file in a
> git repository. If a patch becomes too big, or if a recipe needs too
> many patches, the general consensus is to create a repository with the
> patches and keep the metadata small. On the other hand, exceptions
> abound.
>> I don't know about best practices surrounding this, I kindly apologize if
>> it's strictly forbidden! Otherwise, I'm happy to submit a PR including the
>> file and the necessary changes to the recipes (in concerned branches).
> The yoctoproject maintains a source mirror, the best bet is to ask
> that the sources be mirrored there. The recipe will probably be
> expected to stay as-is, and the yocto backup used if/when the primary
> is down.

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