[oe] The license of hostapd v2.6

Yong Zhang (AUTO-BI) zyong at qti.qualcomm.com
Fri Mar 9 02:00:28 UTC 2018

Hi openembedded team,

I am doing Yocto2.3 upgrade which also update meta-openembedded layer. I find that the version of package hostapd is updated from 2.5 to 2.6. And the license is updated from "BSD" to "GPLv2 | BSD" in hostapd recipe. As I know, There is no change in the hostapd licensing terms between 2.5 and 2.6 releases or anything that has happened since 2.6; nor are there plans of changing the license in the future. Why do you put dual license in hostapd recipe?


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