[oe] [PATCH 1/9] poppler: upgrade 0.82.0 -> 0.84.0

Randy MacLeod randy.macleod at windriver.com
Mon Jan 13 20:34:03 UTC 2020

On 1/13/20 3:20 PM, Mingde (Matthew) Zeng wrote:
>>> Have you by chance tried to add ptest coverage for poppler?
>>> If not, Matthew may do that.
>> Have not done any ptest on this - just some runtime tests on target with evince
>> Andreas
> ```
> $ make test
> Running tests...
> Test project /home/mzeng/code/poppler/build
>        Start  1: check_qt5_attachments
>   1/21 Test  #1: check_qt5_attachments ............***Failed    2.47 sec
>        Start  2: check_qt5_dateConversion
>   2/21 Test  #2: check_qt5_dateConversion .........   Passed    0.58 sec
> ...
> ```
> Poppler's `make test` runs tests from the `/build/qt5/tests` directory, which apparently are relying on qt5.
> ```
> /****************************************************************************
> ** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'check_attachments.cpp'
> **
> ** Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.14.0)
> **
> ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
> *****************************************************************************/
> #include <memory>
> #include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
> #include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
> ...
> ```
> Is it worth it to write a ptest and sort out the meta-qt5 layer?

No, we can't have meta-openembedded packages depend
on meta-qt5 content.

The meta-oe layer only depends on oe-core (aka core):


Thanks for looking into it Matthew,


>      Matthew

# Randy MacLeod
# Wind River Linux

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