[oe] Fwd: [oe-commits] org.oe.dev gpsd: Provide working default configuration and init-script for fic-gta01. This makes gpsd device-specific for gta01, please check the feeds.

Paul Sokolovsky pmiscml at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 19:42:25 UTC 2008

Hello Matthias,

Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 8:49:57 PM, you wrote:

> Hey there. 

> Am Dienstag, den 01.01.2008, 19:03 +0200 schrieb Paul Sokolovsky:
>> Hello,
>>       Working default configuration should go to ${PN}-conf or
>> something, like most of OE does, and few remaining uncomplying packages are
>> being converted. This helps with build, QA, and release management. Thanks.

> could you please point me to a sample package with acceptable
> integration of -conf? I'd rather _not_ do this a third time.

  mplayer & mplayer-common by you are good examples. mplayer-common so
far is not machine-specific, but if we'll *really* find it beneficial
to make it so, we're all set for that. keylaunch & keylaunch-conf are
another recent refactor, by me, with keylaunch-conf being actually

  I see where current problem lies with the code you committed - in
snippet like this:

+# gpsd This shell script starts and stops gpsd.
+       if test -e /home/root/gllin/gllin
+       then
+               /home/root/gllin/gllin >/var/log/gllin.log 2>&1 &
+       else
+               echo -e "\n\ngllin GPS driver for Neo1973 not found,"
+               echo "please install the gllin package from"
+               echo "http://3rdparty.downloads.openmoko.org/gllin/"
+               echo ""
+               exit 1
+       fi

  So, one thing is device-specific conf, another way is generic gpsd's
device-specific service init. But that's why it would be nice if we
adopted soft vs soft-conf split as consistent best practice - then
snippets like above would seem to us as anomaly right away, and we'd
think how to solve it.

  The issue here that /etc/init.d/gpsd tries to init both gpsd and
gps hardware. Why not separate them. Say, have /etc/init.d/gllin with
that snippet. But wait, there're different GPS hardware exists, why
don't we make it polymorphic? So, we'd have /etc/init.d/gps-hardware,
and that's for should would be device-specific. Then, /etc/init.d/gpsd
could do sth like:

[ -x /etc/init.d/gps-hardware ] && /etc/init.d/gps-hardware start

to make sure that it ups entire GPS system.

  How does that sound?

Best regards,
 Paul                            mailto:pmiscml at gmail.com

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