[oe] ODROID-C1 support

Trevor Woerner twoerner at gmail.com
Fri May 22 23:15:37 UTC 2015

On 05/21/15 17:18, Khem Raj wrote:
>> On May 21, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Trevor Woerner <twoerner at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why would someone include your layer and not build for odroidc1 or
>> wetekplay? Sometimes that's what people do ;-) (look at Angstrom, for
>> example). Besides, a BSP layer should be able to play nicely with other
>> layers even when its machines aren't being used :-)
> This is very much desirable, in todays times. In angstrom e.g. we want to generalize feeds across
> many machines for arm especially, so we can share common feeds across multiple armv7a machines
> so BSP maintainers have to start thinking that their BSP layer will be put along with other BSP layers
> and they not change common components mindlessly to fit for just one given machine.
> secondly more and more end users especially big companies have more than 1 machine tied into their useless
> so its desirable for them to use one distro across all the product lines and hence a requirement to have
> BSP layers play well with each others.

Shouldn't this be true of distro layers as well?

Simply included meta-angstrom in conf/bblayers.conf causes one's DISTRO
to be set to angstrom, even if they select poky in conf/local.conf.

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